Step away from the added sugar! Offer our terrific guinea pig treats below instead.
Guinea pig snacks and treats that taste good and they’re healthy? Yes, Please! We’ve made shopping snacks easier, healthier and… just… so much better. Fur real.
Small Pet Select believes that everything your cavy chews, eats, inhales, stands on or comes in contact with has to be totally safe. Hay cubes? Healthy Snackers? Mini Cookies? You’ve come to the right one-stop-shop. Need some bell peppers? Looking for tomato flakes? Can’t figure out where to buy dried goji berries? …We’re here for you.
Step away from the added sugar and shop our all-natural assortment of terrific snacks and treats. They’ll thank you later with wheek. Maybe multiple wheeks. Promise.
span>We have stores in each of these regions... choose the one closest to you!