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Rabbit 101:

The Rabbit Resource

Rabbit Lover's FAQ: Your
Go-To Guide for Bunny

Bunny lovers tend to be very kind, compassionate people with huge soft spots for our animals. After all, we share our hearts and homes with our furry friends (and only ask for snuggles in return!)

If you live in the United Kingdom, it turns out you're not alone in your love for those adorable, cuddly creatures. In fact, there are over one million rabbit owners in the UK. Pretty cool, right?

For all you rabbit lovers out there, we've compiled all the FAQ's asked by dedicated paw parents like you. From the timothy hay you should be feeding your bun to exactly why a rabbit thumps... and everything in between! Consider this your one stop shop for all questions rabbit.

Let's hop to it!

How long do dwarf
rabbits live?

Dwarf rabbits, the smallest of their kind, are beloved for their endearing personalities and long lifespan compared to larger breeds. With proper care, these petite pets can live up to 8 to 10 years, varying depending on breed. Their distinctive appearance includes a round head, compact body, and shorter ears. Notably, not all small rabbits are dwarfs;

Dwarf bunnies have a distinct look that makes them recognizable. They usually have a round head, a compact body and shorter ears than the usual bunny. the presence of the dwarf gene defines them as such. Discover the charm of these sweet and diminutive companions—they're sure to capture your heart!


Various Breeds and Lifespan

Type Lifespan

Britannia Petite Rabbit

6 to 10 years  

Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit

3 to 5 years

Dwarf Hotot Rabbit

7 to 10 years

Dwarf Lop

9 to 10 years

Dwarf Lionhead Rabbit  

8 to 10 years

Jersey Wooly Rabbit

7 to 10+ years

Miniature Cashmere Lop Rabbit

9 to 10 years

Mini English Angora Rabbit

6 to 10 years

Mini English Angora Rabbit

10 to 12 years

The Netherland Dwarf Bunny

This breed of bunnies originated in the Netherlands. They may be blue, white, opal and lilac, among other colours with beautiful ruby-looking eyes. Can you see why they are referred to as the gem of the fancy? They are the tiniest of the dwarf breed with round faces, super-short necks and furs that assume the original position after brushing. It does not weigh more than 2.5 pounds.

They are not the most ideal pets for young children as they hate being squeezed and may scratch, bite or act very wild towards the person holding them. A child may panic after its reaction and drop it. This can result in injuries that can break a bone.

If you insist on giving your child a Netherland Dwarf bunny, ensure that you teach them how to hold and care for it.

Netherland bunnies may have problems with their teeth due to small jaw size and genetic factors. These problems may include infection, molar overgrowth, and pain. They may also have challenges while chewing.

To reduce these problems, you must ensure that your bunny gets regular checks at the vet, be on the lookout for overgrown teeth, give it a chew toys and give them enough hay to eat. Hays help to wear down the teeth. If you need hay for your bunny, feel free to visit our online shop. We have Alfalfa hay, Oat hay, Orchard hay, Timothy hay, among others.

What do dwarf bunnies need to live a long Life?

Dwarf Rabbits are not difficult to please. Give them food, shelter and security, and, you will be besties. Like other types of rabbits, they thrive well on a healthy diet, clean water, and a safe place to rest with adequate playtime. Grooming and proper healthcare also play a vital role in preserving the lifespan of your furry friend.

Food Dwarf bunnies need more hay than other rabbit breeds as they are often plagued with tooth problems. A diet rich in fibre such as hay is, therefore, highly recommended with Timothy hay being the food of choice. Along with hay, they can be given pellets, vegetables and fruits in moderation.

Shelter & Security

Your bunny will need a nest box, a litter box, comfy bedding and a cage to enhance comfort and keep them safe. Keep them away from children during playtime as they are very fragile.


Dwarf bunnies are little busybodies. They get very active throughout the day and work their leg muscles continuously and need time to rejuvenate for another day.


Give your dwarf rabbit playtime to keep it stress-free and happy. Don’t be afraid to give them a break from their cage. This keeps them happy and reduces boredom. Feel free to heighten playtime with chew toys. We have several options in our rabbit shop.


While your dwarf bunny is a DIY bunny, when it comes to grooming, it still needs a little help every now and then to prevent its furs from becoming matted. If your bunny gets messy, use a damp cloth to clean it. Never bathe your furry friend in water; we do not want it stressing out. We want to keep it calm and happy as much as possible.


Ensure your small pet gets frequent visits to the vet. Dwarf rabbits are prone to respiratory problems because of their tiny nose and may have occasional snuffles which mimic cold symptoms in humans.

Dwarf Rabbit: The Take Home

Dwarf rabbits are not difficult to please. Give them food, shelter and security, and, you will be besties. Like other types of rabbits, they thrive well on a healthy diet, clean water, and a safe place to rest with adequate playtime. Grooming and proper healthcare also play a vital role in preserving the lifespan of your furry friend.

To keep your bunny around for a long time, you must meet their play, healthcare, rest and grooming needs.

How long do dwarf
rabbits live?

Rabbits are big fans of veggies. It is so cute how they hide in a little corner to have undisturbed moments with their favourite vegetables. Bunnies can eat several vegetables, most of which can be grown in your garden or purchased from food stores. Your bunny has a different digestive system. Thus, thought must be placed on the types of foods they receive, even vegetables. Some vegetables that experts highly recommend for humans may be bad for our small pets. But don’t worry, you can still find something in your food basket for them.

About 15-20% of your bunny's diet should include vegetables.

Safe veggies for your rabbit

Several research materials indicate that the best vegetables for rabbits are herbs, lettuce, and leafy greens. We bet you are wondering- where are the carrots? Truth be told, they are not the best food for your bunnies as they can interfere with digestion. But we will talk some more about carrots later. Here's a complete list of approved vegetables for your furry friend.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Including: Beet greens, Mustard greens, Parsley, Radish tops, Sprouts, Swiss chard, Spinach

(High In Oxalic Acid)

Green Leafy Vegetables

Including: Arugula, Basil, Cucumber leaves, Carrot tops, Endive, Frisee Lettuce, Kale, Mache, Red or green lettuce, Romaine lettuce, Spring greens, Turnip greens, Raspberry leaves, Radicchio, Watercress, Wheatgrass

(Low In Oxalic Acid)

Non-Leafy Vegetables

Including: Bell peppers, Broccoli (leaves and stems), Brussel sprouts, Broccolini, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery

(Low In Oxalic Acid)

Toxic veggies for your rabbit..

Not all veggies are good for your little bunny. There are certain foods that you should avoid giving your furry friend as they contain toxic substances that can affect their digestive health, and neurological function, among others. Foods such as avocados, chard, garlic, corn, raw potatoes, raw onions, rhubarb, mushrooms, broad beans, kidney beans and iceberg lettuce must be eliminated from your rabbits’ diet.

If you have fed any of the previously mentioned toxic foods to your rabbit, speak with your vet to determine the right action to take.


1. Carefully wash all vegetables before feeding them to your bunny.

2. Inspect veggies for bugs, insects and worms.

3. Be aware that certain foods can affect your rabbit’s urine colour.

4. Avoid giving your pet broccoli as it is a gas-inducing food.

5. Never give your rabbit leaves of plants that are grown indoors as they can be poisonous.

6. Moderation is key. Slowly introduce vegetables to your furry friends’ diet.

7. Always be on the lookout for adverse effects after veggie consumption.

More On The Subject

Introducing Veggies To Your Rabbits Diet

Introducing your furry friend to veggies can be a fun and exciting adventure. Start introducing vegetables one at a time. For example, you may have a farm with several veggies that you want to feed your bunny. However, you should feed your bunny one vegetable for a few days and see how its body responds. When your bunny turns 3 months old, you can start stimulating their appetite with some veggies.

What’s The Big Deal With Carrots?

Carrots anyone? Uhm we mean bunnies.

Truth be told, culture has associated carrots as the primary food for bunnies but that is far from the truth. If that was the case, we would have malnourished bunnies that are overweight with several health problems. While carrots are good for your rabbit, feeding too much to your furry friend can result in obesity as they are high in sugars and can lead to other health problems. Moderation is best!

The Veggie Takeway

Bunnies are veggies enthusiasts. They play a critical role in the overall health and well-being of rabbits. Leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, carrots, bell peppers,squash, and herbs are all excellent choices for your bunny. Remember to pay close attention to food portions and avoid giving your furry friend toxic vegetables. Giving your small pet a healthy diet with the right amount of vegetables will keep them healthy and thriving. If you need more ultra-informative content to help you take care of your domestic rabbit, we have a mega stash of blog content bundles to help you on your small pet care journey.

And while you are at it and feeding your bunnies veggies, remember to include some in your diet too. We want you to stay healthy.

Have a veggie-filled day with your furry friend.

What fruits can
rabbits eat?

Now that we have covered the types of veggies bunnies love, it’s time to shed some light on the fruits. Can you make wild guesses as to which fruits are safe for your small pet to munch on? Anyhow...if you thought of fruits such as grapes, pineapple and mangoes...then you are certainly on track!

Rabbits usually enjoy eating fruits. If you leave feeding time all up to them, they may keep eating fruits all year round. However, fruits are high in sugar and should be fed in moderation.

How Much Fruit Should Rabbits Eat?

Your bunny can have up to two tablespoons of fruits daily. Some rabbit experts say once or twice per day in minute amounts. Ensure that you remove the seeds before giving fruits to your bunny.

Recommended Fruit?

Apple Slices (not the pips - they are poisonous!), Apricot,
Banana (high in potassium), Blackberries (and leaves –
excellent astringent properties), Blueberries, Cherries
(not the pits and plant - they contain cyanide and are
therefore poisonous!), Grapes, Kiwi Fruit, Mango, Melon,
Nectarines, Papaya, Peaches, Pears, Peach, Pineapple
Plums, Raspberries (and leaves – excellent astringent
properties),Strawberries (and leaves), Tomatoes (NOT the
leaves), Pineapple, Melon, Raspberries, Strawberries etc.

How long do rabbits live?

Welcome to the beautiful world of bunnies! Here, your little furry friends are top priority. Whether you are a newbie to taking care of rabbits or a seasoned pro, we are here to heighten your care experience and help you make every moment count. Without any delays, let’s dive deep into our topic of discussion-how long do rabbits live.

But before we explore this topic, have you ever wondered about how long you will get to enjoy your bunny’s company? Well, they can live up to 12 years. Yep! You read that right.

Here’s what you should know about those adorable beings and their lifespan.

What is A Rabbit’s Average Lifespan?

The average life span for domestic rabbits ranges from 8 to 12 years, and some even make it to 15 years. In other words, you can have them around for a decade or even longer! Amazing right?! It all begins with supplying them with nutritious foods, and creating a warm, safe and comfy living space for them.

Wild rabbits on the other hand don’t usually live as long because they are exposed to unfavourable living conditions and are often deprived of the rabbit foods they need to stay healthy.

Wouldn’t you agree? Rabbits are the world’s most precious little beings. Just one look at them, and we are all starry-eyed- they are truly worth having.

A History Fact

Are you ready to take a quick trip to the world of bunnies’ lifespan? Hold tight, and get ready to be blow away by this historical and beautiful story about Flopsy, the only rabbit that has every lived beyond rabbits’ predicted lifespan.

Can you envision your furry friend hopping around the house from one point to the next and perfuming your home and life with love, laughter, and fun for a whopping 18 years and 10.75 months? This is something every rabbit owner would love. Flopsy lived that long! And yes, you read that right! She was rescued from the wild in Australia in 1964 and lived several years after. Flopsy made history! She captured the hearts of those whom she graced paths with and today, her name is etched in the guinness world records and she will always be remembered.

Not only does her story highlights longevity, it is also a constant reminder to us that proper nutrition and care is crucial for the health and happiness of our bunnies.
Any bunny owners reading this historical fact and has any future plans to outdo Flopsy? It is very much possible with the right environment and care.

What your bunny rabbit needs

In a nutshell to keep rabbits healthy and to prolong their lifespan, they require:

  • Rest and Comfort
  • Undisturbed Healthy Meals
  • Playtime, Play & Social Interaction
  • Exercise
  • Shelter & Protection From The Weather

What if you could...

What if you could heighten your pet rabbit’s nutritional status and comfort in one go? Never thought this was possible? With Small Pet Select, it is very much possible!

Small Pet Select never settles for less, so why should your bunny?

Keep your bunny bubbly all day long and increase their lifespan by taking their nutrition and comfort level up a notch. Hop on over to our small pets store and check out our beddings for domestic bunnies and our hay.

What Do Rabbits

Rabbits are herbivores and need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy. Their main food sources include hay, pellets, vegetables, and clean water. Hay is especially important for their digestive health as they constantly nibble on it.

However, introducing new foods too quickly or feeding inappropriate items can lead to illness or worse. To ensure your bunny's well-being, it's crucial to provide a diet recommended by experts.

It's essential to consult with a veterinarian or a rabbit nutrition expert to develop a suitable diet plan tailored to your bunny's specific needs and preferences.

Let's explore bunnies’ typical diet and the foods they can eat.

Fresh Clean Water

Water is vital for the health of our bunnies, keeping them hydrated and functioning well. It's crucial to provide clean water to avoid diseases. Use a heavy bowl to prevent spillage and monitor their water intake.

Clean the bowl daily to prevent harmful bacterial or fungal growth. This will also help you to keep track of how much water your small pet consumes.


Did you know hay is a major part of bunnies' diet? It's essential! Hay like 2nd Cut Timothy and Oat provides vital nutrients. It's widely available, but it's crucial to ensure it's processed safely to avoid mold and contamination.

The best hays for rabbits are those free of contaminants and additives. Avoid feeding freshly mowed grass to your bunnies as it can harm them.


Rabbit pellets are a favorite, but moderation is key. Young rabbits under 7-8 months can have alfalfa pellets for growth. Adults should receive 25mgs of pellets per kg of body weight.

Muesli-sty pellets are not recommended as they can harm your rabbit's health. Switch to healthier options with guidance from our content. Consult a vet for advice on transitioning your rabbit's diet.


Vegetables are healthy treats for rabbits, safe to introduce around 12 weeks old. Start slowly and monitor for diarrhea. To prevent weight gain, avoid high-carb choices such as carrots and potatoes.

Here are some vegetables recommended by the VCA Animal Hospital: Romaine lettuce, beet greens, mustard greens, basil, boy choy/pak choy, carrot tops cilantro, broccoli, greens watercress, kohlrabi.

The Take Away

Rabbits thrive on a diet of hay, fresh veggies, and specialized pellets, ensuring their health and happiness. Small Pet Select offers high-quality, cruelty-free options for your pet's needs in the UK. Explore our informative blogs for valuable insights on rabbit care. Happy feeding to you and your furry friend!

Where Do Rabbits

Rabbits are located all over the globe in several habitats. You can understand this as they are such sweet pets to have, but where do they live? You can find them in homes, deserts, wetlands, forests and even urban areas. Let’s dig deeper to discover and explore where these adorable creatures call home.

Bunnies can be found around the world in almost every country except the Antarctica region, where it is super cold. You can find some bunnies in several homes which are referred to as domestic pets. Some pets live in the wild and may be used as food for other animals.

Wild Bunnies

Wild rabbits seek safety in underground burrows, using the tunnels to escape predators. They prefer habitats like bushes, tall grasses, and shrubs for natural cover and camouflage.

Domestic Bunnies

Domestic rabbits are kept in cages or outdoor hutches and fed fruits, veggies, and hay. Owners should provide spacious cages for comfort and safety, ensuring a safe environment for their bunnies.

Rabbits & Winter

Here’s a question that you might be asking. What happens to bunnies during winter? In winter, outdoor rabbits stay underground to keep warm and safe. They mainly eat twigs, barks, and buds during this time.

Forest & Woodlands

Can you picture endless fields of lush green grass and trees stretching as far as the eye can see? They are the ideal spaces for bunnies! Rabbits tend to find comfortable places in hollow logs or under bushes. These logs usually have ample space for them to go about their business with ease. We bet you are wondering what they eat. They can be found munching on figs, barks and leaves.


Wetlands provide a host of plants for rabbits to munch on, and it has plants that offer protection from natural elements. You may see rabbits eating grasses, sedges, and other aquatic plants.


The desert may be a big surprise to you. You may never have thought that bunnies live in the desert. Desert Cottontail bunnies are huge fans of the dessert. You can find them in Western United States and Northern and Central Mexico. They mainly live in borrows that serve as protection from the sun. They are usually up and about at nights enjoying the bunny nightlife. Now, what foods can rabbits find in the desert? Several foods! They eat plants such as cacti, sagebrush, and mesquite. Talk about a unique palate!

Urban Areas

Yes! You read that right. You can find bunnies in the heart of the city. There is an abundance of food and shelter in urban areas, and rabbits adapt to the fast pace environment very quickly. You may see them hanging out in parks, gardens or under decks. They know the streets.

Why do rabbits thump?

Have you ever sat at home minding your business, and suddenly your bunny starts kicking up a storm? It can be a very frightening experience, especially if your furry friend is doing it for the first time. Don’t be too worried about it. Your bunny is not telling you off! Though they do not speak, they do have a unique way of communicating their feelings to each other and to humans. Therefore, we must learn what their reactions and gestures mean.
Let’s talk thumping! Bunnies may thump for several reasons, which may include warning you or another bunny about danger, they feel lonely, and they are sick, among several other reasons.

Let’s explore some of the reasons why your bunny may be
thumping- some will shock you.


Your furry friend may sense danger and may become fearful, and starts to thump. It may see an animal or someone it is not familiar with and start with thumping.


If your bunny is sick or experiencing pain, it can start to thump. When rabbits are experiencing pain, they often want to be alone. When they are sick, and thump, you can look for signs that they are unwell. They may lose their appetite and have a runny nose, grunt, and limp, among other symptoms.


Like humans, bunnies get bored. So, they use thumping to remind their owners that it’s time for something different. Ensure that you provide them with enough playtime to reduce boredom.


Yep! Rabbits display excitement too. Though not very common, some bunnies may thump during playtime to express how much they enjoy the experience.


Your bunny may thump because it feels stressed. If a predator is near, your rabbit may experience a rush to protect itself and its family.


Did you know that rabbits have their way of expressing emotions? When they feel lonely, they might start thumping their feet to communicate their need for company. So, if you want to keep your furry friend happy and healthy, make sure that you give it plenty of opportunities for socialization and playtime. Who knows, maybe you'll even make some bunny friends along the way!

Aggression or irritation

Someone or something may irritate your bunny and drives it into the action of thumping. It may also become irritated during fights with other rabbits.

The Take Away

Rabbits have various reasons for thumping, and it's essential to determine the cause by observing their behaviour and surroundings. By taking the time to assess the situation, rabbit owners can address any potential issues and ensure their bunnies’ well-being. This proactive approach can promote a better relationship between owners and their furry friends while providing a safe and comfortable environment for them.

How to keep rabbits cool in summer?

Summer is often a fun season for many of us. However, it’s not a great time for our furry friends. They are super sensitive to heat, and they are unable to regulate their body temperatures. Bunnies cannot sweat; this makes it even more difficult for them to keep cool in summer. They depend solely on human actions, panting, and their ears to keep them cool.

To keep your bunny cool during summer, you can move them to cooler temperatures indoors, provide a spacious room for stretching, and getting your bunny a cooling mat, among other interventions.

Keep Them Indoors

Picture this: you are a bunny, and it is summertime. The sun is beating down, and you're feeling hot and bothered. What's a bunny to do? Well, the first thing you should do is find some shade, or even better, find your way indoors!

You can bring your furry friend inside to get some cool air from the air conditioner. If you don’t have an indoor hatch, you can keep them in a room in the house that is safe and adequately ventilated. You don't want your bunny to be stuck in a stuffy hutch with no air circulating – that's no fun! You can even speed up the cooling process by turning on the fan.

Keep Them Hydrated

Rabbits need clean water to stay hydrated and to prevent dehydration during summer. You can add ice cubes to their drinking water to keep them cool.

Limit Exercise

Exercise increases body temperature. During summer, you may want to go easy on the exercise with your bunny as it increases their temperature. It’s best to have your rabbit exercise during the evening when the time is cooler. We know bunnies love to be on their toes. So, you can do less intense exercises such as play hide and seek with them.

Ensure a Spacious Room For Stretching

The larger the room, the more and the better air will circulate. Also, giving your bunny a spacious room for stretching will enhance the cooling process.

Get a water mister

You can hop on over to a farm store and get a water mister. Place it at a point where your bunny can access it. The downside is, you can only use it outdoors.

Offer fresh foods from the fridge

You can store some of your rabbit’s green leafy vegetables in the fridge- and then serve it to your furry friend when it’s meal time.

Get a self-cooling mat

This mat is placed in the hutch on the floor. It helps to cool down your bunny.

Move the hutch out of the sun

If your rabbit’s hatch is in direct contact with the sun, it’s time to relocate to a cooler spot where the sun is not a bother to your bunny.

Bunnies and Heat Stroke

Heat stroke, the most severe heat-related illness, happens when the body loses control of its temperature, leading to a rapid rise in body heat, failure of the sweating mechanism, and an inability to cool down.

Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke

  • Panting, or fast, shallow breathing
  • Drooling and salivating
  • Wetness around the nose
  • Coma
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Cardiopulmonary arrest
  • Weakness
  • Seizures
  • Body temperature above (104 O F)
  • Red and warm ears
  • Disorientation
  • Muscle tremors
  • High heart rate
  • Head tossing backwards

In case you are clueless as to what heat stroke is, here is a short and easy definition from the Centers for Disease Control:

What to do if your bunny has
a heat stroke?

Try to cool down your bunny:

  • Place a dampened towel over the cage.
  • Offer your rabbit sips of water if it is able to drink.
  • Dampen the furs and ears with cool water. Never soak your bunny ears in water; you can increase the risk of shock, which can be fatal.
  • Move the enclosure to a cooler spot. If your bunny is outside, you can move it indoors.

The Take Away

To keep bunnies calm and happy during summer, owners should prioritize keeping them cool. This means creating an environment that minimizes the risk of heat stroke. Providing ample shade, ensuring proper ventilation, and offering plenty of cool water are all important measures. Additionally, bunny owners should monitor their pet's behaviour and symptoms of heat stress to prevent more serious issues from arising.

What should rabbits
not eat?

We have spilt the tea regarding what rabbits should eat and we have touched the surface, and shared what they can't eat. Now, it's time to identify those foods and explain why they are bad for your furry friend..

Bunnies should not eat foods such as avocados, raw onions, garlic, tomato leaves, nuts, and beans, among others.

How long are rabbits pregnant?

You have probably heard the term, breeding like rabbits. Well, it actually implies that female rabbits reproduce at a very rapid rate. It literally takes minutes for them to become pregnant. Bunnies’ gestation periods are pretty short. They are usually pregnant for about a month (30 to 33 days) and undergo spontaneous and lengthy ovulation periods. So, if you are up for having a fluffle, read more!

If you are looking into having a nation of bunnies, you can have bunnies popping out every single month. We bet you have several questions regarding your furry friend’s pregnancy, so let’s explore them together, shall we?

When can rabbits breed?

  • Rabbits can breed at 4 months, but waiting until 6 months is advisable to prevent complications.
  • Rabbits have pregnancies lasting 30 to 33 days, featuring spontaneous, prolonged ovulation.
  • To prevent unwanted breeding, separate females from males or consider neutering.
  • A stress-free environment and close monitoring ensure successful pregnancies in female rabbits.

What are the signs that my bunny is expecting?

Heat stroke, the most severe heat-related illness, happens when the body loses control of its temperature, leading to a rapid rise in body heat, failure of the sweating mechanism, and an inability to cool down.When your rabbit becomes pregnant, it is not always easy to tell. There are several instances in which rabbits are pregnant and the owner does not know until a few days before the delivery date when they start preparing a place to give birth. Here are some things to look out for when your bunny is pregnant.

If your rabbit is displaying any of these signs, take her to the vet to ensure that she is doing well.

Aggressive Behaviour

Your sweet and welcoming bunny may start to avoid bonding and petting moments and may growl when you approach it.

Nest Building

This entails gathering hays and straws to build a nest.

Fur Pulling

Your bunny may pull out its hairs to build its nests for its baby bunnies when preparing for their arrival.

False Pregnancy

Don’t be alarmed if your bunny triggers a false alarm where pregnancy is concerned. Your bunny may display the previously mentioned signs but is not pregnant. The best way to be sure is to consult with the vet.

Useful Tips For Rabbit Pregnancy and Care

1. Ensure your pregnant rabbit's nutritional needs are met and provide a cozy space.
2. Create a spa-like experience with ample food, clean water, a warm nesting box, and fluffy bedding.
3. Keep a close watch for signs of infection or illness and schedule regular vet visits for your bunny.
4. Anticipation: Experience growing excitement as the due date approaches.
5. Enjoy the rewarding moment when the adorable bunnies arrive, and be prepared for caring them.

The Take Away

During the gestation period, bunnies need high level of care which entails adequate comfort, close monitoring for illnesses and a very nutritious diet. Enjoy those little furry buds when they arrive. Before you know it, they will be up and about.

How to Pick Up Rabbits

After your furry friend gives birth, the next thing to consider is handling the little bunnies with care. Bunny owners must know the proper techniques for picking up rabbits. Let’s face it, picking up a bunny who has just graced the earth can be a bit intimidating, especially if you are a newbie to rabbit care. Don’t worry though. We gotcha! We have some tips to share with you and before you know it, you will be a pro at picking up bunnies.

You can pick up your bunny using a gentle and safe approach. When you are trying to hold your bunny, put one hand under its chest and your other hand underneath its bottom. At no point in time should you hold it by the ears or by the scruff of the neck.

When do you need to hold
your bunny?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to pick up your furry friend safely.

  • Put one hand under its chest. This will minimize struggling with your furry friend.
  • Place your other hand underneath its bottom: This action helps to support the rabbit’s body weight and further prevents injury.
  • Lift your bunny and hold them close to you. This helps to promote comfort and security.


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