We've developed the best remedies and supplements, which only contain natural ingredients.
What’s up, doc? Along with our amazing veterinary formulator, we’ve developed the best of the best remedies and supplements for guinea pigs, which only contain natural ingredients that promote plant-based healing. So cavy parents… you’re in luck when you’re shopping our assortment.
Small Pet Select believes that everything your guinea pig chews, eats, inhales, stands on or comes in contact with has to be totally safe. No exceptions. Period. Every single detail is important.
We also make sure your animal gets all the possible nutrients available from our products. Shop Pestavert (spray or gel), a phenomenal parasite control product. Try some Nutri-Recovery (long term support for recovering animals), or buy Nutri-Rescue (fast nutrition to keep the GI tract moving). Guinea pig remedies and supplements are so important to have on hand for your cavy’s health and happiness. Let’s make sure you have the very best.
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