We love our guinea pigs! Why? For starters, they make the best of friends. In a perfect world we'd stay home and hang out with them all day long.
The most important thing about caring for a cavy is ensuring that they have the proper guinea pig supplies. This means giving access to a variety of food for a balanced diet, a safe, interesting, and spacious habitiat, and plenty of toys and boredom busters to keep your piggie moving!
Don't worry! We've got all the guinea pig supplies you’ll need to keep your friend living a happy, healthy, and fit lifestyle.
The most important part of your cavies diet is fresh hay all day, every day. We offer more types of hay than anywhere in the market because every guinea pig is different and variety is important. Mix and match, and let your piggy do a little taste testing!
Supplemental pelleted guinea pig food, direct to your door at the click of a button. Pelleted food is another essntial in your guinea pig's diet and we use our own top-quality Timothy Hay in all of our pelleted food. Proper nutrition is so important to your piggies health!
Less Mess = Less Stress! It's so important to keep the living area comfy and dry which is why we offer a variety of choices. Using soft, aborbent bedding as a top layer helps prevent bumblefoot, sore hock, and urine scald. Try a bottom layer of wood pellet litter to keep even more moisture away from your cavy.
We've got different types of bedding and litter to mix and match, so you can find what works best for your guinea pig.
Most of our guinea pig toys come from a very special organic farm, where the crops are even scythed by hand! The crops are turned in to the ultimate guinea pig toys right there on site and sent directly to us.
Your cavy will not only love these toys, but they provide essential health benefits too! You can rest easy knowing they're made with love and your cavies mental health in mind.
Human food-grade herbs, flowers, and berries smell fantastic, and taste even better. Guinea pigs are natural foragers and need variety in their diet. Herbal blends are a great way to mix up their diet and they have great nutritional benefits too!
Junk food snacks? They're not okay. Healthy treats for piggies? Hip hip hooray!
STEP AWAY FROM THE ADDED SUGAR. Offer your cavy our terrific treats instead. They'll thank you later with a popcorn. (Not the kind with kernels.)
Creating fun, interesting spaces for your guinea pig not only makes their lives more fun, but can keep them moving and active, so they stay healthier for longer! We've got everything you need to make your cavies living space exciting and entertaining.
Piggies keep themselves pretty tidy, but everyone needs a little help sometimes. Check out our grooming supplies you'll need to help your cavy look good and feel better.
Plus, we've got a phenomenal parasite control product called Pestavert you need to see!
Browse our piggie bundles to find great deals on food, bedding, and hay! Deals on bundles you and your furry friend will surely appreciate.
For all you guinea pig lovers out there, we've compiled all the FAQ's asked by dedicated paw parents like you. From how long they live to what you should be feeding them...and everything in between! Consider this your one stop shop for all questions guinea pig.
We know the different types of hay can be confusing and it's difficult to know which one to choose! From 2nd cutting Timothy to Alfalfa and everywhere in between. Every cavy is different and just like us hoomans, they have their preferences too!
Below, you'll find all the types of hay we offer. Hay is categorized by it's uses, amount of stem and leaf, and levels of protein, fibre and fat.
Let's talk about how much food guinea pigs need daily. We want to make sure we're feeding them enough hay, pellets, and fresh greens everyday.
Let's talk all about the proper way to hold a guinea pig. Many folks have this wrong, and we're here to set the record straight! Check out this video to learn all the tips & tricks.
Let's talk guinea pig supplies! This handy guide will tell you everything you need to know about what you'll need for your piggie.
Want to know the ins and outs of celery in your guinea pigs diet? Read no more! This blog will tell you everything you need to know.